این رویداد خاتمه یافته است و اطلاعات موجود در این سایت صرفا جنبه آرشیو دارد
Edebiyat ve Hüner Aynasında Rahmet Peygamberi Mouhammed (sav) Uluslararası Kongresi
المؤتمر العالمي لنبي الرحمة، محمد (ص) في مرآة الآداب والفنون

ٌWeb Conference 1: Poster unveiling ceremony of the World Congress of Arts for Muhammad (PBUH) in Algeria

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ٌWeb Conference 1: Poster unveiling ceremony of the World Congress of Arts for Muhammad (PBUH) in Algeria

World Congress of Arts for Muhammad (PBUH), the prophet of mercy
Host : Islamic Republic of Iran's cultural counselor in Algeria:

 ٌWeb Conference 1

Seyyed Jalal Miraghaei, Islamic Republic of Iran's cultural counclor  in Algeria
Prof Mohammad Ali Azarshab: Professor of Tehran university (Iran)
Dr. Musa Arabi: International director of the Congress (Iran)
Dr. Noor_al_din Abu_al_haya: Writer and faculty member of batna University (Algeria)
Sheikh Doctor Mazen al Sharif : Head of global center for sufism  and ahl_al_bait Heritage, (Tunisia)
Mastear Sadeq Salayemeh: Writer and poet (Algeria)
Dr. Mona Bazavi: Writer and researcher (Tunisia)
Dr. Hannah Sa'adat writer and press activitist, (Algeria)
Dr. Rasha Rawabeh: Writer and researcher (Algeria)

Time: Saturday, April 24th 2021
21 p.m. Iran's local time

Visit the live broadcast on
The Congress website www.wcam.ir
And live Instagram through

